• E&M CodeRight

Discover How Much Revenue Your Medical Group Is Leaving on the Table.

How it Works

Get a free E&M coding profile analysis to reveal the full extent of lost revenue due to inaccurate coding within your medical group.

  1. Request your free analysis using this form.
  2. Provide a simple report of your practice’s current E&M coding data using reporting tools you already have in your EHR. Reports typically take about 15 minutes to complete.
  3. Get your analysis comparing your group to historical CMS averages and MediSync’s proprietary client indexes in an easy-to-understand visual format, delivered to you within one week.


Revenue added per physician per year


Medical group clients


Providers trained


Years of proven success

*Based on typical results. Your practice results may differ.

E&M CodeRight is used by the nation’s largest medical groups and health systems to maximize revenue and increase provider satisfaction through physician-led coding training.


Request a free ROI & coding profile analysis today.
